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9005100500   Let's have an impact beyond class implementing the 17 SDGs! Let's CLIL
2020-2021   Curs telemàtic (en línia asíncron). Primària-Secundària
   8/2/2021 - 19/3/2021 (20 hores) de h a h
   VT Curs a distància
   _ (A distància) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Asíncron
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
Tipus activitat   MC21 Let's have an impact beyond class implementing the 17 SDGs! Let's CLIL
Inscripció   08/01/2021 - 19/01/2021
Descripció i   Metodologia:   In this course educators will be challenged to plan activities based on the 17 SDGs by UN aimed at developing the skills and awareness for students to explore the Global Goals.
The course will be focused on advocating the benefits of working on the 17SDGs in class by using different resources and platforms.
All the tasks will be designed having in mind some CLIL essentials: to ensure English language all the time by providing language support, to promote collaboration among students and to be competence-based activities with a real purpose.
Teachers will be provided with concrete examples, inspiring ideas, digital tools and will end up with a bank of shared activities among the group.
The course is divided into 6 modules which educators will cover at their own pace but following suggested datelines and will eventually submit the tasks related to the issue addressed in each module. There are a couple of online meetings.

Teachers will be asked to join a Google Classroom.
Objectius   1. To introduce the Sustainable Development Goals to educators

2. To design activities to promote the implementation of 17 SDGs in class

3. To promote CLIL as a pedagogical approach for FLE

4. To create a bank of resources as meaningful content by sharing the participants 17 SDGs activities
Continguts   Online meeting: Course presentation

The course is divided into the different modules:

- M1 CLIL Educators
This module aims to get to know the participants in the group and the characteristics of a CLIL teacher.

- M2 Introduction to 17 SDGs
The focus of this module is to know what the Sustainable Development Goals are, their characteristics and why they should be taught at schools.

- M3 Authentic activities
This module aims to provide educators with available resources, platforms and programmes that deal with the SDGs and to benefit from them.

- M4 CLIL in practice
To plan an activity which introduces or deals with the 17SDGs to be implemented in primary or secondary class having in mind some essentials for CLIL: scaffolding to ensure language production, students collaboration and Higher-Order Thinking skills.

- M5 Public product
To provide teachers with a variety of examples which tackle with the 17SDGs and end up with a public product having an impact beyond class. To focus on the importance of spreading the word in social media and to highlight the importance of coordination among teachers, the educational community and governing bodies.

- M6 Virtual Gallery walk to share the activities developed by the group participants, give and receive feedback and final reflection.

Online meeting: Presentation of participants’ activities.
Observacions   Google Meet Sessions:

1.Monday 8th February from 18:00h to 19:00h.
2.Wednesday 17th March from 18:00h to 19:00h.
Formador/a   Mònica Carrasco
Avaluació   Positive attainment of the course activities.
- Educators will be required to submit tasks for each module.
- 2 online meetings will be held as part of the course.
- Satisfaction questionnaire.

Requisits de  certificació   Positive attainment of the course activities.
- Educators will be required to submit tasks for each module.
- 2 online meetings will be held as part of the course.
- Satisfaction questionnaire.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary and Secondary teachers with a B2 minimum.
1. Disposar d'usuari XTEC actiu.
2. Haver certificat les activitats de formació adjudicades durant aquest curs acadèmic i l'anterior.
Criteris específics d’adjudicació. Les sol•licituds admeses s'ordenaran en funció de:
1.Vinculació al centre de treball 2.1.Funcionari 2.2.Interí 2.3. Substitut
2.Nivell de llengua C2,C1, B2.
Si ets docent d'un centre concertat, municipal o les acreditacions d’especialitat i/o nivell de llengua (C2,C1 o B2) requerides a la convocatòria no consten a l’ATRI, caldrà omplir aquest FORMULARI dins del període de sol•licitud.
Consulteu: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017
E-mail   formlle@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent